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Broadgreen Primary School

Succeed And Achieve Together

WELCOMETO Broadgreen Primary School


Our most recent Ofsted inspection was in June 2019 where our inspector stated:

'The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection. Based on the evidence gathered during this short inspection, I am of the opinion that the school has demonstrated strong practice and marked improvement in specific areas. This may indicate that the school has improved significantly overall. Therefore, I am recommending that the school’s next inspection be a section 5 inspection.'

Broadgreen Primary Ofsted letter 2019

Broadgreen Primary Ofsted Report 2015


We really would be grateful if you could spare the time to complete the online questionnaire to give us some feedback on how we’re doing. All you need is an email address and the rest is quite simple.

Log onto  and follow the instructions on screen.

Broadgreen Primary School, Oakhill Rd. Liverpool L13 5UE

0151 228 6692