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Broadgreen Primary School

Succeed And Achieve Together

WELCOMETO Broadgreen Primary School

Year Five - Athlete

Welcome to the Y5 Class!

Our class name for this academic year is ‘Class Athlete’.

An athlete is a person who competes in sports or physical exercise and those who are good (and lucky) enough can even compete in organised events such as the Olympics or World Cup! Regardless of gender, race, religion or physical mobility, athletes need to be: motivated, always striving to better themselves and develop their skill set; dedicated, always trying their best, even when they feel like giving up; resilient, seeing challenges as a positive and learning from their setbacks; and inspiring, encouraging others while having self-belief in themselves. All of these qualities are what we wish to instill within our children so that they have the ambition to dream big and succeed!

Below are some famous athletes who have worked hard and achieved great things! Do you recognise any of them?



Your Year 5 teacher is Miss Murphy and we are very fortunate to have Mrs Moore as our HTLA in the mornings, Miss Ellison as our teaching assistant in the afternoons and Miss Williams as our teaching assistant until October half-term.  

Year 5 is an important year as many final-year objectives are introduced before next year’s SATs. Although the curriculum does increase in complexity, we have placed a key focus on establishing a learning environment that is centred around your child’s wellbeing. The great variety of topics that the children study will excite and inspire them, ensuring Year 5 to be one of the most exciting years yet!

From becoming Doodlers, exploring and creating our own scribble bots to exploring the heights of space, from creating our own 3D sculptures inspired by Cai Guo-Qiang, to becoming musical technicians; there’s sure to be something to interest your child.   

We have an exciting year ahead of us. The children are going to be learning and applying a range of new skills through our English, Maths and Science lessons embedded in our Inquiry-based curriculum – for more subject-specific information please see our Curriculum Page.

The children will start each day with handwriting or a basic skills activity, followed by Reading Mastery sessions, Maths and English lessons each morning. PSHE, Science, History, Geography, Computing, P4C and many more subjects will be taught in the afternoon.


PE, Reading Books and Homework. 

PE will be delivered every Tuesday by EITC and swimming will be every Thursday at Wavetree Aquatic Centre. 

Homework will consist of a Maths, English and Spelling task and will be set on Google Classroom every Friday to be completed by  Wednesday. If you are unable to Google Classroom, please let me know. 

Reading books will be changed every Friday and are to be brought back Wednesday, even if books have not been finished. This is just for us to read any comments from Home Reading Journals to ensure we can keep track of your child's reading. 

If you have any questions about Year 5 or your child’s learning, feel free to email me at:

For more information about the Year Five curriculum take a look at our curriculum page

Google Classroom link: Y5- Athlete (

 Meet the Y5 Team Booklet.docxDownload
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Broadgreen Primary School, Oakhill Rd. Liverpool L13 5UE

0151 228 6692