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Broadgreen Primary School

Succeed And Achieve Together

WELCOMETO Broadgreen Primary School

Year 4 - Surgeon


Weekly Planning and Resources For Remote Learning - Pupils Self-Isolating

To access the resources and plans for remote learning when self-isolating, please visit our class' Google Classroom page using the link and the login provided by our school office (please call the office if you need your login or are experiencing any technical difficulties). In the stream on Google Classroom you will find a link to the weekly planning overview in the 'Classwork' tab plus any additional resources needed to complete the work. This will be very similar to the remote learning during the recent lock down period, just without the live or recorded  lessons. .Work can be submitted for marking via the 'upcoming' box link on the main Google Classroom screen.  


Welcome to Year 4's page...

I'm your child's teacher, Miss Gallagher, and Mrs Saar is our learning support assistant.

Here is our welcome video of who we are and where our classroom is: 

You can also read out booklet: 


In Year 4, we are committed to ensuring that every child enjoys their learning, succeeds and achieves. We have an exciting year ahead of us with a fun-packed, engaging curriculum. The children will be learning and applying a range of new skills through our English, Maths and Science lessons, embedded in our Inquiry-based creative curriculum in opening Worlds – for more subject-specific information please see our Curriculum Page.  We are also excited to be participating in weekly percussion lessons with Resonate, where we will be introduced to the glockenspiel to add to our musical repertoire! We are looking forward to showing our families how well we are doing with a virtual performance later in the year.


In these unprecedented times, we are still very aware that returning to school may be a challenge for some of our pupils. This will be taken into consideration in our approach to the whole curriculum and in day to day life in Year 4. We want to assure our families that, as always but particularly at this time, we have the pastoral needs of our pupils at the core of all we do.


 This year, our classes have been named after aspirational careers. Despite there being many aspirational careers to choose from, we decided to go with Class Surgeon. In Year 4, we strive to succeed and achieve together, just like a surgeon preforming in surgery. There is currently 1 112 727 specialist surgeons in the world today. Each of those surgeons are required to explore their creative minds, have courage in the day to day challenges and persevere in situations that they may face.  In Year 4, we follow some of these characteristics such as the importance of perseverance and resilience, caring for our community and having the courage to stand up for others and what we believe is right. 

The Characteristics of Good Surgeons | Superpages


Our class timetable for Autumn 1 is at the bottom. In Year 4, we are extremely busy learning new information and having lots of fun, so our timetable is subject to change, along with adding in other subjects such as computing, art and handwriting. 

You can also go to our Google classroom page to keep up to date on all of the links and homework that will be provided by clicking the link: 


Y4 Letters


Broadgreen Primary School, Oakhill Rd. Liverpool L13 5UE

0151 228 6692